Kaseya VSAX integration instructions

This article outlines the steps to integrate Kaseya VSAX with Lifecycle Manager.

As of September 2024, integrating Kaseya VSAX with Lifecycle Manager requires a Token ID and Token Secret, as Kaseya VSAX API version 3 mandates these parameters. Follow the steps below to generate the necessary credentials and set up the connection.


Before proceeding with the integration, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Manage Integrations Permission: Verify that the Manage integrations permission is enabled for your ScalePad Hub account.
  • Administrator Credentials: Confirm that you have Administrator user credentials for your Kaseya VSAX account.

To successfully integrate Kaseya VSAX with Lifecycle Manager, please follow these steps in each article section:

Integration steps in Kaseya VSAX

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Integration steps in Kaseya VSAX

Create a Lifecycle Manager integration user

You must create a Kaseya VSAX single-use service account for Lifecycle Manager with Read-Only access and a complex password.

Read-Only access is required as Two-Way sync is not yet available for Kaseya VSAX.

  1. Sign in to Kaseya VSAX

  2. You can create the user account from the VSA X web app Server Admin Teams and Users All Users Create User Account.

  3. For help creating user accounts in Kaseya VSAX, see their help center:

    1. How to create user accounts

    2. User access management in VSAX

Generate Token ID and Token Secret

  1. Access Kaseya VSAX: Sign in to Kaseya VSAX.
  2. Navigate to Third-Party Tokens: Go to Configuration > API Access > Third-Party Tokens from the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Click Create Token ID in the upper-right corner of the page. You may need to verify your password.
  4. Configure the Token: From the Details page, perform these steps:
    1. Name your token something recognizable, such as “Lifecycle Manager Token,” and optionally add a description.
    2. After entering a description, we recommend setting an expiry to 6 months.
    3. Set Token Permissions: On the Authorization page, select All Device and Asset permissions for the token. Note: IP whitelisting and organization selection can be left as default settings, or you can adjust them to meet your needs.
    4. Generate the Token: Once your token ID configuration is complete, click Create.
      Keep the Token secret secure as this value is not recoverable once navigating away.

Why 6 months for expiry? - We adhere to Microsoft’s recommendation of a 6-month token expiration, striking a balance between maintaining secure access to the application and providing convenience for our partners.

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Add integration credentials to Lifecycle Manager

  1. Enter credentials in Lifecycle Manager: From Lifecycle Manager, navigate to Integrations and click the Add integration button.
  2. The Add integration page will open. Select Kaseya VSAX.

  3. On the Kaseya VSAX add integrations page, enter the following credentials:
    1. VSA X Token ID: Enter the Token ID generated in Kaseya VSAX.
    2. Token Secret: Enter the Token Secret you saved earlier.
    3. Kaseya VSAX Hostname: Input the hostname of your Kaseya VSA X instance (e.g., yourdomain.vsax.net).
  4. Configure Integration Settings: Select your desired settings, such as asset check-in date preferences and how to handle assets without serial numbers.
  5. Save the Integration: Click Connect now to complete the integration process.


When you click Connect now, Lifecycle Manager performs a full sync. When finished, you should be able to view your hardware assets in your account.

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