At times, it may become necessary to remove certain scorecards, items and categories. This article provides instructions on how to remove them.
The deletion process is permanent and cannot be undone, so take care to ensure that removal is the correct course of action before proceeding.
How to delete a Scorecard
Open the Scorecard that you want to delete.
On the Scorecard header, click the Delete button.
How to delete a Scorecard category
Click the Manage category button located at the top-left of the Scorecard category on the Scorecard that you want to delete.
Confirm the scorecard category removal by clicking Remove. On the Scorecard header, click the Delete button.
Depending on whether a Scorecard category contains Scorecard items or not, you are given the following options when deleting a Scorecard category.
Delete all - Delete the Scorecard category and items contained within it.
Delete Category and keep items - Delete the Scorecard category only and move Scorecard items to a General items category contained within it.
Cancel - Do not delete the category.
How to remove Scorecard items
Click the Manage item button located at the top-left of the Scorecard item.
Confirm the scorecard item removal by clicking Remove.
Removing scorecard items from a scorecard is immediate and cannot be reversed. This includes scorecard items initially configured from key insights.