Hudu integration Instructions

This article provides instructions on how to integrate Hudu to Lifecycle Manager to pull configuration items from Hudu.


Before proceeding with the integration, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Manage Integrations Permission: Verify that the Manage integrations permission is enabled for your ScalePad Hub account.
  • Administrator Credentials: Confirm that you have Administrator user credentials for your Hudu account.
  • You'll need your Hudu Domain Name / Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

    • This could be something like ""


Optional: To enable Two-Way Synchronization of warranty dates, you must create custom asset fields in Hudu. See Creating custom asset fields in Hudu for steps on how to accomplish this.

To successfully integrate Hudu with Lifecycle Manager, please follow these steps in each article section:

Integration steps in Hudu

  1. Generate API key

  2. Optional IP allowlisting

  3. Optional - Creating custom asset fields in Hudu

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

  1. Add Hudu API key into Lifecycle Manager

Integration steps in Hudu

Generate an API key

  1. Sign in to your Hudu account

  2. On the Hudu menu, navigate to Admin Account Administration and click API

  3. In the Create new API Key section, enter a unique name for the API key, e.g. Lifecycle Manager.

    1. Leave the Optional: Restrict to Company field blank.

      1. A company-scoped API will not work. This option must be left blank in order for a global-scoped API key to be generated and work.

    2. To request an IP allowlist to only allow the API key for Lifecycle Manager IPs, see the Optional IP allowlisting section.

  4. Click the Create New Key button to generate your Lifecycle Manager API key. The generated API key appears in the New API Key window.

    1. This is the only time you will be able to access your API key.
      The API Key will be hidden for security reasons after navigating away from this page. Once the key is generated, take note and copy the API key.

In case you forget your API key, simply return to Admin Account AdministrationAPI and follow the generate an API key steps. Delete the previously created API key to invalidate the key and disallow access.

When adding the Hudu integration to Lifecycle Manager, you will need to add the Api key to the Hudu integration page.

Optional IP allowlisting

You can configure the IP allowlisting for Lifecycle Manager sync servers in the Allowed IP Addresses field. You can request Lifecycle Manager's IP Allowlist by contacting support at:

As soon as you have allowlisted Lifecycle Manager's sync servers, you will be all set up for a successful Hudu integration. Additional information can be found in the Requesting Lifecycle Manager's IP Allowlist article.

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Add Hudu API key into Lifecycle Manager

  1. From Lifecycle Manager, navigate to Integrations and click the Add integration button.
  2. The Add integration page will open. Select Hudu.
  3. On the Hudu add integration page, fill in the following:
    1. Hudu Domain name
    2. API Key
  4. Optional - Select Include archived assets to synchronize archived assets from Hudu.
  5. Click Connect now.


When you click Connect now, Lifecycle Manager performs a full sync. When finished, you'll be able to view your assets in your account.

What's next?