Asset view details

The Asset view details page (accessed from the Hardware console) is one of Lifecycle Manager’s most valuable pages. The Asset view details page helps with troubleshooting data challenges and should be a core data access point for every Lifecycle Manager member.

How to access asset view details

From either the Hardware or Software console, clicking the asset name hyperlink (blue asset name) from the console page opens the relevant tab details for the asset. The displayed tab is dependent on where the hyperlink is accessed.

Within the asset view details, there is functionality that enables you to explore asset details further.

Elements of the Asset view details

Asset details are divided between hardware-specific and software-specific information.

Software details

Prequisites for SAM - In order to enable Software Asset Management (SAM), you'll need a supported RMM integration with the credentials necessary to view the appropriate data.

Under the Software tab, the Asset details screen lists all installed software and displays such information as software publishers, product names, software versions, and the current software asset status of Supported, Unsupported, Unsupported soon, or Unknown.

Hardware details

Under the Hardware tab, the Asset details screen displays information such as the asset type, asset model, asset age, purchase date, and warranty expiry date. This information is pulled from integrations and OEM lookups to provide you with a thorough data set that enables you to look at a complete picture of an asset.

Overdue or unsupported items within the asset are indicated by red text.

How the final summary is generated

Asset information is pulled from integrations and OEM lookup information. When hardware asset data syncs into ScalePad Lifecycle Manager from multiple integrations, this data sometimes conflicts across the different sources, creating inconsistencies.

The above image highlights the differences between data from integrations and OEM lookups. The prioritization of data results in how your data will be reported in the Final Summary.

Viewing the Final Summary on the Asset view page of a hardware asset provides the complete picture of how the asset’s data is generated.

Which integration types are trusted most

It’s helpful to understand how Lifecycle Manager prioritizes data, including purchase and expiry dates. See How Lifecycle Manager prioritizes data from your integrations for additional information.

How are integration dates managed?

The purchase and expiration dates of your hardware assets may differ from our vendor lookups when your integrations sync into Lifecycle Manager. In this case, Lifecycle Manager may choose to report your dates in the Final Summary. See Dates from your integrations for additional information.

The data in the Final Summary is used in our automated reporting and on the Hardware console.

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