Leveraging Trending insights

This article will help you effectively use the trending insights available on both dashboards. These insights are designed to surface critical information, such as asset compliance changes and Digital Maturity Index (DMI) trends, helping you proactively manage and mitigate potential risks.

Overview of Trending Insights

Trending insights are a crucial component of the dashboards, providing a snapshot of the dynamics within your IT infrastructure. These insights highlight the number of assets that have changed compliance status over the past 30 days and show whether certain conditions—like warranty status or asset age—are improving or worsening.

Understanding the Impact on DMI

The DMI is a critical metric for assessing the digital health of your clients. Trending insights can directly impact this score by indicating:

  • 30-Day DMI Trend: Found on the Client console, this column shows which clients have an improving or declining DMI score, helping you identify where to focus your efforts.

Examples of Trending Insights in Action

Trending insights show the number of assets that have become non-compliant over the last 30 days. Here are a few scenarios where trending insights can inform your decision-making:

  • High-Risk Insights: If the dashboard shows an increase in servers older than 7 years without warranty coverage, this is a prompt to consider proactive upgrades or warranty renewals to mitigate risks.
  • Hardware Modernization Insights: A noticeable rise in workstations older than 5 years might trigger a review of your hardware upgrade policies to prevent performance bottlenecks.
  • Warranty Coverage Insights: An increase in the number of workstations with expired warranties could indicate a need for a comprehensive review of your asset management and warranty renewal strategies.


As the following image illustrates, trending insight information is displayed at the bottom of each Insight tile for quick reference.

Rolling 30-days
The number of assets in trending insights is displayed based on a rolling 30 days. Each day you'll see the result of the last 30 days. If data is less than 30 days old, there will be no data to present for Trending insights. In its place, a blank line is displayed.

All of those assets are now included as part of the insight as indicated by the red arrow pointing up. Any assets that no longer fit with the Insight policy are indicated with a green arrow pointing down which indicates the number of assets removed from insight. By the sheer number of assets that have become non-compliant over the last 30 days, you get a sense of what insights are affecting the DMI.

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