How to set hardware replacement values

Hardware replacement settings play a key role in maintaining the efficiency of your client's asset management system. Within this framework, you can set replacement values for each distinct hardware asset type. The data that your reports present is the most precise and up-to-date information.

To set your Hardware Replacement settings, navigate to Settings in your left-hand navigation bar and click the Hardware tab.

Hardware Replacement Values

These are your Hardware Replacement Settings where you set the average hardware replacement value for each of your hardware asset types. This is crucial to ensure you have the most accurate data show up on your Hardware Lifecycle Reports.


  1. Set the average hardware Replacement value for each of your hardware asset types.

    1. This ensures the most accurate data on the Hardware Lifecycle Report.

  2. Use the Maximum replacement age to determine when a hardware asset is recognized as overdue.

    1. Lifecycle Manager uses the warranty expiry date as the end-of-life date by default unless changed.

Due soon for replacement

Set the number of days prior to a hardware asset's expiration date, to be recognized as "Due Soon" for replacement.


Options include:

  • 90 days
  • 120 days
  • 180 days
  • 1 year

Lifecycle report

  1. Select the checkboxes to show the respective features on your Hardware Lifecycle Report.

  2. Clear any boxes so that the data is not included in the report.

    1. Show virtual machines
    2. Show hardware with unknown warranties
    3. Show budgeting

You can now customize the fields included in the hardware lifecycle report. For default reports that already contain asset name, user, make, serial, model, OS, age, purchase date, and warranty expiration date, you are now able to select the following options to include the following:

    1. Show CPU - includes the model type
    2. Show RAM - includes total memory for asset
    3. Show Storage - includes total storage available for asset
    4. Show Last Check-In Date - the last time a user has used the device
      1. All supported RMM's, except ConnectWise RMM, provide last check-in date data


The default format of the hardware lifecycle report is portrait. However, if the selected report fields will not fit on a portrait page, the format will automatically change to landscape.

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