IT Glue integration instructions

This article provides instructions on how to integrate IT Glue to Lifecycle Manager to pull configuration items from IT Glue.

Optionally, you can also choose to auto-populate the warranty dates and purchase dates for your configuration items in IT Glue by choosing to enable the two-way syncing options in your Lifecycle Manager account.


Before proceeding with the integration, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Manage Integrations Permission: Verify that the Manage integrations permission is enabled for your ScalePad Hub account.
  • Administrator Credentials: Confirm that you have Administrator user credentials for your IT Glue account.

To successfully integrate IT Glue with Lifecycle Manager, please follow these steps in each article section:

Integration steps in IT Glue

  1. Generate API key

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

  1. Add IT Glue API key into Lifecycle Manager

  2. IP allowlisting in IP Access Control settings

Integration steps in IT Glue

Generate API key

  1. Sign in to your IT Glue account

  2. Within the IT Glue navigation tabs, navigate to Account Settings and click the API Keys tab

  3. Click the Generate API Key button to generate your Lifecycle Manager API key. The generated API key appears in the ScalePad field

  4. Once the key is generated, take note of the API token and manually copy the API token in the ScalePad field.

Clicking Revoke revokes access altogether and any previously generated API keys will be invalidated. In that case, simply generate new API Keys by clicking Generate API Key.

When adding the IT Glue Integration to Lifecycle Manager, you will need to add the API key to the IT Glue integration page.

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Add IT Glue API key into Lifecycle Manager

  1. From Lifecycle Manager, navigate to Integrations and click the Add integration button

  2. The Add integration page will open. Select IT Glue.

  3. Paste the API token into the IT Glue add integration page.

  4. Optional - Select Include archived configurations to synchronize archived configurations from IT Glue.
  5. Click Connect now.


When you click Connect now, Lifecycle Manager performs a full sync. When finished, you'll be able to view your hardware assets in your account.

IP allowlisting in IP Access Control settings

When using IT Glue's IP Access Control, you may receive an error indicating that you require specific IP addresses which are required to be added to IT Glue.

To solve this issue, you can configure the IP allowlisting for Lifecycle Manager sync servers in your IP Access Control settings. You can request Lifecycle Manager's IP Allowlist by contacting support at

As soon as you have allowlisted Lifecycle Manager's sync servers, you will be all set up for a successful IT glue integration. Additional information can be found in the Requesting Lifecycle Manager's IP Allowlist article.

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