Kaseya VSA integration instructions

This article provides instructions on how to integrate Kaseya VSA to Lifecycle Manager to pull configuration items from Kaseya VSA.

A recent update to the authentication method in Kaseya VSA requires that integrations previously utilizing Username/Password for connections via Lifecycle Manager must now transition to using Token authentication.


Before proceeding with the integration, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Manage Integrations Permission: Verify that the Manage integrations permission is enabled for your ScalePad Hub account.
  • You must integrate via access tokens, rather than passwords, in VSA.
  • Administrator Credentials: Confirm that you have Administrator user credentials for your Kaseya VSA account.

Additional Prerequisites

  • All communications must run over HTTPS / port 443

  • A valid hostname and certificate are needed on the server

Software version reporting - Note that when using Kaseya VSA with SAM enabled, Kaseya VSA doesn't report on all software build versions. It only reports software versions for Operating Systems and Security products and our product team is working on enhancing our integration to remove the limitation.

To successfully integrate Kaseya VSA with Lifecycle Manager, please follow these steps in each article section:

Integration steps in Kaseya VSA

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Integration steps in Kaseya VSA

Token authentication in Kaseya VSA

Generating an access token

API connection authentication is done with access tokens, rather than passwords, in VSA.

The password authentication feature of VSA has been deprecated.

  1. In VSA, Navigate to System Users > User Access Tokens tab.

  2. Click +New to create a token for your account.

  3. In the Add Access Token screen, fill in the relevant token name (e.g. lifecycle_manager_token). After entering a token name, we recommend setting an expiration period of 6 months for the token.

  4. In the Scopes Assigned section, select the REST API (Read, Write) option as this option lets you have access to the REST APIs using the generated token.

    1. In the Rest API Access Rights section, ensure the Inherit from User Role option is selected.

  5. Click Save to generate the API token for this user. The generated access token appears on a pop-up screen.

    1. The access token will be hidden for security reasons after navigating away from this page. Once the token is generated, take note and copy the access token. Keep the token in a secure location, because this value is not recoverable once navigating away.

  6. Click Ok.

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Adding Kaseya VSA API credentials to Lifecycle Manager

  1. From Lifecycle Manager, navigate to Integrations and click the Add integration button.

  2. The Add integration page will open. Select Kaseya VSA.

  3. Enter your access token on the add integration page.

  4. Enter your Kaseya Server Hostname

  5. Select your Company Name mapping option from the drop-down menu

  6. Click Connect now.

IP allowlisting in AuthAnvil settings - When Kaseya's native 2FA feature is used, it is supported for API integrations by default. However, if you are using AuthAnvil for your Kaseya VSA 2FA, you may receive an error message indicating "You need to whitelist our sync IPs before proceeding."

To solve this issue, you can configure the IP allowlisting for Lifecycle Manager sync servers in your AuthAnvil settings within the VSA admin panel: AuthAnvil Two Factor Auth Configure Kaseya Logon. You can request Lifecycle Manager's IP Allowlist at: https://help.lifecyclemanager.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.

As soon as you have allowlisted Lifecycle Manager's sync servers, you will be all set up for a successful Kaseya VSA integration. Additional information on Requesting Lifecycle Manager's IP Allowlist can be found here.


When you click Connect now, Lifecycle Manager performs a full sync. When finished, you should be able to view your hardware assets in your account.

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