Barracuda Cloud Control integration instructions

This article provides instructions on how to integrate Barracuda Cloud Control to ScalePad Lifecycle Manager.


Before proceeding with the integration, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Manage Integrations Permission: Verify that the Manage integrations permission is enabled for your ScalePad Hub account.
  • Administrator Credentials: Confirm that you have Administrator user credentials for Barracuda Cloud Control.

Multi-Factor Authorization required - The following instructions provide the necessary steps for when multi-factor authorization needs to be set up for the user in Barracuda Cloud Control.

Integration steps in Barracuda Cloud Control - MFA required

Copy or write down the 16-digit authentication code. You'll need to enter this code into Lifecycle Manager, and your authenticator app as Barracuda Cloud Control wants to verify the 6-digit authenticator code on their MFA setup page.

  1. Sign in to the Barracuda Cloud Control site and navigate to My Profile.
  2. Click Add New Device from My Profile.
  3. Set up Two-factor Authentication in Barracuda Cloud Control.
  4. Enter a device name (e.g. ScalePad or LifecycleManager)
  5. Scan the QR code or manually enter the 16 digit secret code into your authenticator app to retrieve a 6-digit verification code
  6. Enter the 6-digit verification code into the MFA Code field in Barracuda Control to finish the MFA setup
  7. Click Continue.

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

  1. Sign in to Lifecycle Manager.
  2. Navigate to Integrations and add Barracuda Cloud Control.
  3. Enter the newly-created Barracuda Cloud Control account credentials.
  4. Enter your 16-digit multi-factor authentication code.
  5. Click the Connect now button.


When you click Connect now, our platform performs a full sync. When finished, you should be able to view your hardware assets in Lifecycle Manager.

No sync settings required

Once you've successfully integrated your Barracuda Cloud Control, no additional settings are required. If integration settings need to be changed, they must be done with the integration that was originally used to sync the Barracuda assets into Lifecycle Manager.