After service request submission

Immediately following your submission, you'll be presented with a request confirmation page, with a summary of your service request.

Phone contacts for urgent issues - If your request requires immediate attention, you will be given a region-specific phone number on the confirmation page. We provide the phone number submission to ensure all necessary parties have the information on hand when you call in.

Emails received following your submission

After submitting your service request, you will receive several emails to keep you informed about the status and progress of your request:

  1. Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation email from our SclaePad Marketplace Team, confirming a ticket has been opened.
  2. Ticket Number: Within minutes, you’ll receive a second email containing your unique ticket number.
  3. Request for Additional Details: A member of our Marketplace Team may reach out to you in a new thread if further details are required about your request.
  4. Ticket Resolution: When the ticket is resolved, you’ll receive a confirmation email to let you know the ticket has been closed.
    1. Workstation Assurance Requests: If you submitted a Workstation Assurance service request, you’ll receive an email advising, that once you have received the replacement, you should generate a return label to ship back the old asset.

Transferring warranty coverage

Once you have received your replacement workstation, refer to the article Transferring Warranty Coverage to a Replacement Workstation to ensure the warranty coverage is transferred to the new asset.

Additional articles to read