Personalizing client-specific Scheduled Reports

Now that you've set up Scheduled Reports, the next step is personalizing them for each client. Lifecycle Manager allows you to edit Scheduled Reports and email templates at the client level, ensuring each client receives customized reports catering to their needs.

This article will walk you through the steps needed to edit Scheduled Reports and email templates at the client level. It's important to note that these settings are client-specific, meaning they apply only to the selected client.

Permissions required to edit the template - Administrator or Manage Basic Settings permissions are required to edit the Scheduled Reports email template.

Editing client-specific Scheduled Reports

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to Client-Specific Settings:
    1. Click Clients in the Top Menu bar.
    2. Select a client from the Client console.
    3. Click the Scheduled Reports menu item.
    4. Click the Edit Template button.
  2. Editable Fields for Email Templates:
    1. Reply-To: All replies will be sent to this address. You can create multiple member accounts for Sales Team members and Account Managers, assign them to accounts, and use their emails as the Reply-To addresses.
    2. Subject: Customize the subject line of the email.
    3. Body: Edit the email body text.
  3. Template Variables:
    1. Use template variables to customize the email template further. They can be applied in both the Subject and Body fields.
  4. Save Settings:
    1. Click Save Settings to apply the changes. These settings are client-specific, meaning they apply to one client only.
  5. Enable Scheduled Reports:
    1. Add report recipients by entering their Name and Email and clicking the Add (plus) button.
    2. Toggle the Schedule to On to enable distribution.

Archive distributed reports - The reply-to email is cc'd on every report sent out, allowing you to track the email and attached report by searching through the reply-to inbox.

Editing Client-Specific Custom Scheduled Reports

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Navigate to Custom Scheduled Report Settings:
    1. Click Clients in the Top Menu bar.
    2. Select a client from the Client console.
    3. Click the Scheduled Reports menu item.
    4. Click the Edit Scheduled Report button.
  2. Custom Editable Fields:
    1. Reply-To: Customize who replies will be sent to, similar to the regular Scheduled Reports.
    2. Subject: Edit the subject line.
    3. Body: Customize the body of the email.
  3. Edit Custom Scheduled Report Parameters:
    1. Click the Edit Scheduled Report button to adjust reporting parameters. See Selecting reporting parameters for information.
    2. Save the changes by clicking Save.
  4. Enable Custom Scheduled Reports:
    1. Add report recipients by entering their Name and Email and clicking the Add (plus) button.
    2. Toggle the report to On to enable distribution.

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