Managing your Notifications

Lifecycle Manager automates essential updates, including email invoice notifications. This article describes setting and managing your email and browser notifications.

Navigate to Settings > My Notifications. This is where you select to receive each notification type in-browser, by email, or both.

Data security - For security reasons, notification settings are unique to each member, and can only be managed at the member level.

Managing invoicing notifications

Lifecycle Manager recently updated its invoicing notification settings to give you more control over the types of notifications you receive. Previously, there was a single notification setting that covered all invoice types. This has now been split into two settings to help you manage your notifications more effectively.

If the invoicing notifications options are missing - You likely don't have the Place Orders & Manage Billing permission. Get one of your account administrators to update your member permissions.

Here’s what you need to know to adjust these settings and ensure that the right people receive the appropriate notifications.

New Invoicing Notification Settings

  1.  Invoicing: Lifecycle Manager Services - Enabling this setting allows you to receive monthly (about every 30 days) notifications related to Lifecycle Manager Services, such as warranty purchases and asset disposal transactions.
    Invoicing-Lifecycle Manager Services.png
  2. Invoicing: ScalePad Subscriptions - This email-only setting allows you to receive notifications related to your account's subscription plans, such as updates to your ScalePad subscription plans.
    Invoicing-ScalePad Subscriptions.png

The Invoicing: ScalePad Subscriptions notification is limited to a maximum of 10 users per ScalePad account. If you attempt to enable this notification after the limit has been reached, a warning message will appear.

Invoicing-ScalePad Subscriptions Warning.png

If you need to receive ScalePad subscription notifications but see this warning, contact your administrator to coordinate who should be receiving these notifications.

Recommended steps for Administrators and team managers

To ensure the right team members receive the ScalePad subscription invoicing notifications, we recommend these steps:

  1. Identify Users for Notifications: Create a list of up to 10 users who should receive the ScalePad subscription invoicing notifications.
  2. Coordinate within Your Team: Ask team members not on this list to turn off the Invoicing: ScalePad Subscriptions notification setting.
  3. Enable Notifications for Selected Users: Once the list has been finalized, ask the selected users to turn on the notification to ensure they receive the necessary updates.

By managing these notification settings, you can ensure that the right team members stay informed about important subscription updates and invoicing details while avoiding unnecessary or duplicate notifications.

Managing notification types

The following notifications and their associated frequencies can be enabled:

  • Clients Summary Report - The Client Summary Report is sent out on the first day of each month, starting at 8 AM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (9 AM Greenwich Mean Time).
  • Disabled Integration - In the rare event that an integration fails, you will receive a notification.
  • Warranty coverage coupons - Notifications are sent as coupons are created.
  • ScalePad warranties expiring soon - Notifications are sent out on the last Tuesday or Thursday of the month (whichever is closest) at 5 pm Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (6 PM Greenwich Mean Time).
  • Integration sync error - In the rare event that an integration has errors, you will receive a notification.
  • Offer Created - Notifications are sent as soon as offers are created.
  • Consumption Threshold Reached - When a subscription's consumption threshold has been reached.
  • Consumption Exceeded In Grace Period - When a subscription exceeds its tier limit during their 60-day grace period.
  • You’ve received a special offer from ScalePad - Receive notifications of a personalized offer.
  • Share - Notifications are sent when a filtered asset view is shared.
  • Certificates of Disposal (ITAD) - Upon completion of a disposal order and the release of new Certificates of Disposal.


Change where invoice notification emails are sent

To change the address where notifications are sent, you'll need a member account with the appropriate permissions for the new email. See the How do I add, remove, or delete team members? and How to manage your team’s permissions articles for assistance.

Once the member is set up:

  1. Sign in to the member account
  2. Navigate to Settings My Notifications
  3. Enable invoice notifications

Once you've updated your notification settings, they save automatically.