Using the Clients console to identify risk

The Clients console within Lifecycle Manager is an indispensable tool that offers a comprehensive view of client data, helping you identify risks and opportunities. This article details how to use the Clients Console to make informed decisions about hardware and software management.

Navigating to the Clients Console

To access the Insights provided by the Clients console:

  1. Open the Console:
    1. Click on Clients in the Top Menu of Lifecycle Manager. This brings you to a dashboard displaying all managed clients and key metrics.

Understanding the Clients console data

The Clients console displays various data points that aid in making informed management decisions:

  • DMI trends: The 30-day Digital Maturity Index (DMI) trends show which clients are improving and which need attention, helping you prioritize your efforts.
  • Hardware and software statuses: View the current state of hardware and software assets, including their age, and warranty status.
  • Hardware replacement opportunities: Identify potential revenue opportunities through hardware replacement, highlighted by the console’s ability to show which hardware assets are outdated or nearing the end of their warranty period.

Making decisions with the Clients console

The Clients console provides a data snapshot that helps you in determining what tasks need to be completed. By default, the Hardware replacement column is the primary driver to determine your next steps by indicating the highest revenue opportunity.

  • Sorting and filtering: Customize the view by sorting columns based on criteria like hardware replacement costs, number of managed assets, or DMI scores. This helps in prioritizing clients that need immediate attention.
  • Accessing detailed client dashboards: Clicking on a client’s name takes you to their specific dashboard where more detailed actions can be taken.
  • Hardware and software insights: Direct links from the console allow you to delve into specific hardware and software asset details, where you can manage lifecycle reports or configure scheduled reports.

Proactive management actions

From the insights gathered, you can take several proactive steps to enhance client infrastructure:

  • Reduce risks: Prevent hardware malfunctions and data loss by timely replacing aging hardware. Strengthen security to mitigate the risk of data breaches.
  • Modernize IT Infrastructure: Update and replace old hardware and software to enhance client IT systems' efficiency and security.
  • Improve client experience: Offer solutions that provide increased storage capabilities and better support for modern software applications, improving overall client satisfaction.

Reporting and customization

Client Summary Report

  • Downloadable reports: Click the Clients Summary Report button to download a detailed PDF report, providing a comprehensive summary of the current data visible in the table.

Customizing Hardware Lifecycle Reports

  • Enhanced reporting: Customize the Hardware Lifecycle Report by adding columns for CPU, RAM, and storage to understand each asset better. These enhancements help in making more informed decisions about asset management and replacement.
  • Save settings: Adjustments to the report can be saved as defaults for future reports, streamlining the process for subsequent reviews.

Color-coded risk identification

Each client's assets are displayed with color-coded lines to quickly identify the status:

  • Red - Indicates hardware assets overdue for replacement.
  • Amber - Shows assets due soon (within 180 days) for replacement
  • Green - Assets are supported and do not require immediate action
  • Grey - shows unknown assets (these assets have no identified warranty expiration date)
  • Blue - Highlights supported operating systems.
  • Software assets
    • This is the total number of software assets for the respective client.
  • Software status
    • Each color-coded line provides an overview of the software assets found on your hardware assets.

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