Managing disposal orders

Viewing disposal order details

Navigate to the top menu bar within Lifecycle Manager to begin the disposal process. Click on the Marketplace dropdown menu. Select IT Asset Disposal. Alternatively, the process is just as simple if you’re focusing on a particular client, just click on the IT Asset Disposal menu.

All disposal orders and their statuses are available under the Disposal > Orders menu.


Assets are disposed of after arriving at the disposal facility. The timeframe for receiving an ITAD certificate mostly depends on how long shipping takes to arrive at the disposal facility and the volume of orders being processed.

The status of a disposal order includes the following stages: Label created, Pickup scheduled, In transit, Arrived at facility, and Disposal complete. If disposal orders are selected to be picked up, statuses include Order placed (for self service orders) and Pickup window selected.

Receiving a Certificate of Disposal

Once the disposal order is complete, the status changes to Disposal complete and a Certificate of Disposal will be available in-app and emailed to the member that placed the order.

The Certificate of Disposal certifies that client data is securely erased to NIST 800-88 standards without the need to remove drives, providing you with peace of mind at no extra cost.

Checking disposal order details

  1. Click Disposal and then the Orders tab
  2. Click the OrderID link

The details displayed upon clicking the Order Id link include:

  • Order status
    • Date of order placement or date of order completion
  • Assets to be disposed of or assets securely disposed of
  • Unassigned disposed assets disclaimer
  • Certificate of Disposal


Unassigned disposed assets

By enabling Partners to input the quantity of assets, rather than providing asset details, when initiating a disposal order, there is a possibility that we may not be able to establish a clear link between specific disposed assets and their originating clients. To ensure transparency, we have implemented a disclaimer on the disposal summary page, which displays the number of assets for which we cannot establish a client linkage in a disposal order.

Internal Certificate of Disposal

To address this, we have introduced an internal Certificate of Disposal PDF that consolidates comprehensive information about all disposed assets within the Certificate of Disposal ZIP file.

The following steps take you through steps to assign assets to clients with ease.

  1. Navigate to asset assignment - Access the asset assignment within a completed disposal order. To do this, sign in to your account, click Disposal, and then the Orders tab. Then click the applicable OrderID link. Here, you may see an option to Assign to Clients. Click on it to begin.
  2. Select your assets - Simply click on the asset you want to assign by selecting the checkboxes next to each asset.
  3. Choose the client - with your assets selected, click the Assign to client dropdown menu to reveal a list of clients. Scroll through to find the specific client you're looking for and click the Assign button.

This action links the chosen assets to the selected client, ensuring that those assets are properly accounted for on an updated Certificate of Disposal.

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