Breach Secure Now! integration instructions

This article provides instructions on how to integrate Breach Secure Now! Lifecycle Manager.


Before proceeding with the integration, please ensure the following requirements are met:

  • Manage Integrations Permission: Verify that the Manage integrations permission is enabled for your ScalePad Hub account.
  • A subscription to Breach Secure Now!
    • a Partner with administrative privileges

To successfully integrate Breach Secure Now! with Lifecycle Manager, please follow these steps in each article section:

Integration steps in Breach Secure! Now

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Integration steps in Breach Secure Now!

Obtain Partner Identification Key

  1. Sign in to Breach Secure Now! as an administrator
  2. Select the Partner Profile menu item
  3. Click the Integrations menu item.
  4. Then click the Setup button.
  5. Choose the Scalepad Lifecycle Manager integration.
  6. Enable the integration, revealing the Integration Key.
  7. Once the key is generated, take note of the Integration key and click Copy.

In case you forget your Integration credentials, simply return to the page and copy the relevant Integration key.

Integration steps in Lifecycle Manager

Add Partner Integration Key to Lifecycle Manager

  1. From Lifecycle Manager, navigate to Integrations and click the Add integration button.
  2. The Add Integration page will open. Select Breach Secure Now.
  3. Enter your Partner Integration Key into the Breach Secure Now add integration page.
  4. Click Breach Secure Now Setup.


When you click Connect now, Lifecycle Manager performs a full sync. When the sync is finished, you can view relevant security insights in your account.

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