How to adjust your Pulseway PSA sync settings

Use this article to adjust any sync settings for your Pulseway PSA integration in ScalePad Lifecycle Manager. Navigate to Integrations, and select Pulseway PSA.

Only sync assets checked-in

This setting will make Lifecycle Manager only sync in hardware assets that have last checked into Pulseway PSA, within certain time frames.

  1. Select an option from the drop-down menu

    1. Within past 30 days

    2. Within past 60 days

    3. Within past 90 days

    4. All assets (no check-in limit)

  2. Click Save Pulseway PSA Setup

Enable Two-Way Sync

  1. Under Enable Two-Way Sync Fields, select the appropriate boxes to enable Two-Way Sync for these fields

  2. When you're finished, click Save Pulseway PSA Setup

Select Account Types to Sync

Depending on the Account Types set up in your Pulseway PSA instance, select the ones that you want to sync into Lifecycle Manager. Likewise, clear the types which you would prefer not to sync.


When you're finished adjusting your selections, scroll down and click Save Pulseway PSA Setup.


Select Categories to Sync

Pulseway PSA Categories map to asset types in Lifecycle Manager. For each type of asset you want to sync intoLifecycle Manager, you'll need to map the Category to a Lifecycle Manager Asset Type.

For example, Router would map to Network, and Desktop and Laptop map to Workstation. Likewise, if you'd prefer not to sync a certain Category, set its mapping to blank.

When you're finished adjusting your selections, scroll down and click Save Pulseway PSA Setup.


Sync assets without serial numbers

While we're unable to perform warranty look-ups on hardware assets without serial numbers, there is value to adding these assets to your Lifecycle Manager account.

We always recommend having all assets synced to your account to ensure you have a complete picture of your assets under management. This ensures that every team member has the full insights needed to consult and service each client effectively.

Additional value

  • reporting on all of your managed assets

  • possible software insights information (depending on the integration)

  • the surfacing of critical issues and alerts

  1. Select the Include hardware assets without serial numbers box

  2. Click Save Pulseway PSA Setup
